Mathematics and Further Maths
Introductory Video from Mrs. Ringer
Maths Video
Course Details
Edexcel A Level Maths
Edexcel A Level Further Maths
What kind of student would enjoy this course?
The A-Level Mathematics course will appeal to anyone who has enjoyed Higher Tier GCSE Maths and gained at least Grade 7. The course is also useful in supporting subjects that use Maths e.g. the Sciences, Geography and Business Studies. A-Level Further Mathematics is for those who have been particularly successful at GCSE, gaining at least an Grade 8.
What will I study?
You will build on the topics you have learnt at GCSE.
In Mathematics you will study Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus (particularly useful to Chemistry); in Statistics you will analyse numerical data (particularly useful in Biology and Geography); in Mechanics you will study the motion of objects (particularly useful to Physics); in Decision Mathematics you will study some modern topics involving algorithms and networks (particularly useful to Business studies).
Mathematics: Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus & Statistics
Further Mathematics: as above plus Further Pure & Decision Mathematics topics
What skills will I learn?
You will learn many methods of solving problems and develop your ability to think logically, interpret statistics and communicate your ideas concisely.
What could I do at the end of my course?
A-Level Mathematics is essential for Higher Education courses in Engineering, Operational Research and other Maths related subjects. It is desirable for degrees in Economics, Business Studies, Psychology, Law and Science subjects and also useful for courses in subjects allied to medicine. It is highly valued in its own right as evidence that you can retain and apply skills in many different situations and also that you can show rigour in your academic work. Further Mathematics is desirable for degree courses in Mathematics, Engineering and Physics.